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Best Practices For Software Updates

software update illustrated graphic

Managed IT Services Help Patch Vulnerabilities Before Hackers Can Exploit Them

Software updates are essential for maintaining security, functionality, and efficiency in both personal and professional IT systems. Regular updates not only introduce new features and enhancements but also patch vulnerabilities that malicious actors can potentially exploit. By getting familiar with what software updates and patch management are, why timely updates are crucial, and the role of managed IT services, business owners and their workforce can reduce the risk of cyberthreats.

What Is a Software Update?

A software update is a new version of a program released by developers to improve functionality, fix bugs, enhance security, or a combination of these. Updates often include new features, performance improvements, and important fixes for security vulnerabilities. Examples of software updates include:
  • Operating system updates such as Windows and macOS.
  • Application updates such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop.
  • Firmware updates for devices like routers, printers, and smartphones.

What Is Patch Management?

Also known as vulnerability management, patch management addresses known security vulnerabilities to protect against cyberthreats and optimize performance. While a software update may include new features and performance improvements, a patch is typically focused on addressing specific issues rather than offering broad upgrades. Managed IT service providers typically include patch management as part of their desktop support services.

What Happens If I Ignore a Software Update?

Some software updates can take multiple hours, which is an inconvenience in the middle of a workday. Many users delay or skip software updates, believing they are unnecessary or too much of a hassle. However, failing to update software in a timely manner can lead to serious consequences.

Security Breaches

One of the primary reasons managed IT support emphasizes the importance of software updates is to fix security vulnerabilities. When these vulnerabilities are left unpatched, they create entry points for cybercriminals to exploit. Hackers target outdated software to gain access to sensitive information or deploy malware.

Exposure to Viruses and Malware

Outdated software is more susceptible to viruses, malware, and other malicious attacks. These harmful programs can corrupt files, steal personal or financial information, or disrupt the normal operation of devices.

Reduced Performance and Functionality

Delaying updates can result in outdated software that improperly functions or isn’t compatible with other programs. New software updates often improve performance, fix bugs, and reduce the risk of sudden crashes, glitches, or reduced efficiency.

Incompatibility With New Technology

As technology evolves, older software versions may not be compatible with newer hardware or other updated applications. Keeping software up to date helps it remain compatible with evolving technology standards.

Unsupported Software and End-of-Life Issues

Manufacturers and software developers periodically stop supporting old versions of their software. This is known as end-of-life (EOL) software. EOL software no longer receives updates, patches, or security fixes, making it extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Managed IT Service Best Practices For Software Updates

Managed IT support services are organizations that maintain IT networks and cybersecurity defenses on behalf of your business. Keeping software up to date is one of the many tasks that managed IT support oversees to promote business continuity and reduce the risk of threats. Typically, managed IT services follow the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) best practices for software updates.

Enable Automatic Updates

Automatic updates don’t require a user to manually press the button to give permission to perform the upgrade. By enabling automatic updates, the device downloads and installs the latest patches and improvements as soon as they are available. This practice is particularly important for operating systems, antivirus software, and other critical applications.

Avoid Using Unsupported or End-of-Life Software

As mentioned earlier, EOL software exposes users to significant risks because it no longer receives security updates or support from the developer. Instead of using outdated software, upgrade to the latest supported version. Continuing to use EOL software not only puts systems at risk but can also lead to compatibility issues with newer programs.

Always Visit Vendor Sites For Updates

One of the easiest ways to fall victim to malware or phishing attacks is by clicking on advertisements, pop-ups, or email links that claim to offer software updates. These links often lead to malicious websites that install harmful programs on devices. To avoid this, managed IT support providers recommend visiting the software vendor’s official website when checking for updates or downloading new versions. This ensures the updates are legitimate and reduces the risk of potential threats.

Avoid Software Updates On Untrusted Networks

Updating software while connected to public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks can expose systems to risks. Public networks are more vulnerable to hackers who can intercept data or install malware during the update process. Only download and install software updates when connected to a trusted, secure network. If using a public network is necessary, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) for a secure connection.

Regularly Review Software Update Policies

Establish a software update policy that outlines how updates are handled, who is responsible for applying them, and what the timelines are for critical patches. Regularly reviewing and updating this policy helps companies remain protected against emerging threats.

Managed IT Service Support Keeps Software Up to Date

Following CISA’s best practices, including enabling automatic updates, avoiding unsupported software, and only using secure networks addresses many of the common risks that pose a threat to companies and their workforce. However, staying on top of software updates across an organization is a big responsibility not every business owner can take on. Professionals can oversee your software updates and other IT needs through managed IT support services. Not only will these service providers handle software updates and patch management in a timely fashion, but they can also provide additional managed services that secure company data, protect against disasters, and keep your network running smoothly and efficiently. Start the discovery process by consulting with a local provider of managed IT support services.
October 15, 2024