As we move into 2019 have you thought about what your biggest security threat is? The answer is your staff. Your staff emails, transfer files, browse the internet and download programs without your IT departments approval. Think about implementing a couple cost effective additions to security education this year which can go a long way in helping to improve your staff’s security rating.
The first one is to implement some sort of a security awareness training. This would consist of receiving a weekly email with a short video which goes over a specific area an employee needs to be aware of. At the end of the video the employees must answer a couple quick questions and the results are kept so you know who is and isn’t participating. These quick videos will sometimes seem like common sense, but you would be amazed how often people forget to use it and they serve as good reminders to the little things that can cause havoc on your network.
The second would be to offer “Lunch and Learns” which have topics to do with security. Lunch and Learns are a good way to remind employees of key things they can be doing to ensure they are following best practices when it comes to cyber security. They also give employees an opportunity to ask questions that aren’t covered in the video training and Lunch and Learns.
If you would like to get started with a security awareness training program give Kansas City Managed IT a call and we can help you determine what program would work best for you.