420 Bannister Rd Ste 400 Kansas City, MO 64131
(816) 381-9969

The Top Cybersecurity Services Every Business Needs Right Now

multifactor authentication

10 Ways to Bolster Your IT Security and Reduce Your Risk Of Data Breaches With Our Help

As more organizations adopt technology, it’s important to remember the numerous risks associated with it. Most notably, cybercrime remains one of the most prevalent concerns business owners face.

According to Statista, the annual cost of cybercrime in the United States was $19.4 billion in 2017. That figure ballooned to $320 billion in 2023 and is projected to hit $1.8 trillion in 2028.

Cybercrime is clearly an expensive problem, and it’s also a highly disruptive one for organizations. A single successful cyber attack can lead to extensive company downtime, lost or compromised data, financial losses, and negative PR.

With increasing cyber threats and data breaches, businesses of all sizes must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their sensitive information and maintain the trust of their customers and shareholders. Kansas City Managed IT has compiled a comprehensive look at the most essential cybersecurity services that every business should have in place to safeguard its digital assets. Contact us to get a cybersecurity plan for your company.

What Is Cybersecurity For Businesses?

Cybersecurity for business encompasses the set of practices, technologies, and processes designed to protect a company’s data, networks, and systems from unauthorized access and data breaches. It involves safeguarding sensitive information, such as customer details, financial records, and intellectual property, from various threats including malware, phishing, and ransomware.

When we implement cybersecurity services, businesses can reduce their risk, maintain trust with customers and partners, and remain compliant with regulatory requirements.

Endpoint Protection

Endpoint protection involves securing individual devices, such as laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones, that connect to your network. Effective endpoint protection software can detect and prevent malware, ransomware, and other malicious activities, ensuring that each device is secure and compliant with security policies.

Key benefits:

  • Real-time threat detection and response
  • Protection against malware and ransomware
  • Safeguards remote and on-site workforce

Data Protection

A company’s data is arguably its most prized asset, which is why hackers and other malicious actors so frequently target it. Protecting sensitive business data, such as customer information, financial records, and intellectual property is crucial to avoid data breaches that can lead to loss and reputational damage. Data protection services encompass the strategies and tools used to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data to authorized parties.

Key benefits:

  • Ensures data is secure
  • Keeps organizations in compliance with data protection regulations
  • Reduces the risk of data breaches and leaks

Patch Management

Patch management involves the regular update and application of patches to software and systems to fix vulnerabilities and improve performance. Because cybercriminals often exploit known vulnerabilities in software to gain unauthorized access, keeping software up to date with the latest patches is a critical defense against such attacks.

Key benefits:

  • Promptly addresses security vulnerabilities and bugs
  • Improves system performance and reliability
  • Helps maintain compliance with security standards


A firewall is a type of cybersecurity that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. By installing a protective barrier between your internal network and external threats, you can prevent unauthorized access and filter out potentially harmful traffic.

Key benefits:

  • Blocks unauthorized access to your network
  • Filters out malicious traffic and attacks
  • Provides a first line of defense against external threats

Access Control

One critical aspect of IT security is establishing the level of network access employees have. Access control services manage who can access specific resources and systems within an organization. By limiting access to sensitive information and systems, it reduces the risk of internal and external security breaches.

Key benefits:

  • Minimizes the risk of data breaches
  • Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Protects sensitive information from unauthorized access

Network Protection

Network protection is an essential aspect of cybersecurity for businesses. It involves securing a company’s network infrastructure against unauthorized access, misuse, and cyber threats. Network protection prevents cybercriminals from exploiting network vulnerabilities and safeguards the transmission of data within an organization and between external systems.

Key benefits:

  • Safeguards the network from attacks and intrusions
  • Protects sensitive data in transit
  • Maintains the integrity and performance of network infrastructure

Data Encryption

Data encryption is the process of converting data into a coded format that can only be deciphered with the appropriate decryption key. Even if company data is intercepted or stolen, the encryption protects sensitive data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. This is a must-have cybersecurity service for any organization that values its data, especially if it’s proprietary.

Key benefits:

  • Ensures data confidentiality and integrity
  • Protects sensitive information from unauthorized access
  • Helps in complying with data protection regulations

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA requires users to provide multiple forms of identification before accessing systems or data, typically a password or security token. By adding this additional layer of cybersecurity, access by unauthorized users becomes significantly more difficult.

Key benefits:

  • Enhances security beyond just passwords
  • Reduces the risk of unauthorized access
  • Protects against identity theft and data breaches

Data Backup and Recovery

Organizations must plan for all worst-case scenarios, including extreme weather events, floods, and fires. Any one of these events can wipe out a company’s data in a matter of moments, so having data backup and recovery contingencies in place is an effective IT security measure. These services regularly backup data and allow for data retrieval in the event of loss, corruption, hardware failures, or disaster.

Key benefits:

  • Ensures data availability and business continuity
  • Protects against data loss and corruption
  • Facilitates quick recovery in the event of a disaster

Employee Cybersecurity Services and Threat Awareness Training

Human error remains one of the leading causes of cybersecurity breaches, typically because most employees lack formal training. Investing in cybersecurity training brings employees up to speed on the best practices for maintaining security and recognizing potential threats.

Key benefits:

  • Raises awareness about cybersecurity threats
  • Empowers employees to identify and respond to threats
  • Reduces the likelihood of human error leading to a security breach

Invest In Cybersecurity Services That Will Protect Your Organization

In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, businesses must prioritize cybersecurity to protect their data, reputation, and operational integrity. Implementing a system of cybersecurity services will provide a robust defense against cyber threats and safeguard your data.

Contact Kansas City Managed IT to discuss the current state of your IT security and the specific services that will further reduce your risk. Call us at (816) 640-4932 or send us an email using our contact form.

July 15, 2024