420 Bannister Rd Ste 400 Kansas City, MO 64131
(816) 381-9969

Improve Business Workflows with KC Managed IT Today

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IT Solutions for Businesses in Kansas City that Promote Productivity and Efficiency

“Time is money,” as the saying goes. Even though technology and internet-connected devices allow us to do more than ever at incredible speeds, some organizations still fall short in the IT department. When businesses don’t leverage modern IT solutions to their full advantage, it can drastically slow down their workflows and their ability to serve their customers.

Poorly managed technology services can hurt any level of an organization. For example, think about the last time you called customer service to get an issue resolved. Was the customer service rep able to address your problem in a timely fashion? Or did they frequently pause and put you on hold because their computer was slow?

The countless hours spent waiting on slow hardware or outdated software negatively impact an organization’s bottom line and hurt customer relations. By investing in modern IT solutions for businesses, you provide your workforce with the tools they need to perform at max capacity. KC Managed IT specializes in managed technology services that help organizations gain a competitive edge over their business rivals.

How KC Managed IT Supports Your Business Workflow

Leveraging technology and IT are critical to remaining agile in today’s competitive business market. KC Managed IT delivers all the most in-demand IT solutions for businesses, enabling workforces throughout nearly any industry to increase their productivity and efficiency.

Our IT solutions for business support:

  • Digital communication and collaboration: With many organizations still working on a hybrid or remote work schedule, communication and collaboration is more important than ever. Video, chat, and email services must be secure and reliable to support internal communications and electronic interactions with customers.
  • Cybersecurity: Organizations can no longer rely on anti-virus software to keep their organization and its sensitive data safe. The methods that cyber attackers use have vastly grown in complexity, enabling them to identify and exploit gaps in network security. A successful cyberattack can result in unplanned downtime and lost revenue, not to mention a damaged reputation with customers. Kansas City Managed IT can implement a holistic cybersecurity strategy that ensures your organization’s operations remain uninterrupted.
  • Computer and IT networking, wiring, and cabling: Speed is the name of the game in any business environment, and nothing slows down a network faster than improper networking and cabling. For data, voice, and IT networks to run smoothly and at peak speeds, the cabling system must be properly designed, installed, and monitored by IT professionals. Kansas City Managed IT has experience installing fiber optic internet, video, audio, voice, and data networks and cabling.
  • Server management: Having the right server setup supports business productivity. KC Managed IT has years of experience with server setup and security for organization’s of all sizes and server needs. We also provide ongoing server maintenance to ensure your organization is not vulnerable to data loss or compromised data as a result of a malware attack or crash.
  • Application support: Applications are how your employees manage their business workflow. When applications are out of date, configured incorrectly, or otherwise malfunctioning, it can slow things down to a crawl. By providing managed technology services that support business applications, KC Managed IT ensures that applications are properly configured and up to date.
  • Desktop support: A slow computer that’s prone to issues significantly decreases productivity. KC Managed IT provides desktop support to address any problems related to your organization’s hardware, including desktop applications, critical updates, security patches, antivirus software, disk defragmentation, disk cleanup, and performance issues that affect hardware speed.
  • Backup services: Data loss is one of the worst things that can happen to an organization, which is why we’re big believers in backup services. Should your organization ever face data loss due to a virus, server issue, or other IT problem, backup services ensure your data can be recovered so regular business operations can resume.

Contact KC Managed IT Today for Solutions that Support Your Workflow

Modern IT solutions for businesses help get the most out of an organization’s workforce by supporting their IT needs on multiple fronts. As one of the most experienced groups of IT professionals, KC Managed IT delivers the most in demand services that promote productivity, security, and network reliability.

Contact us today for a free consultation. After telling us a little bit about your organization, its current IT structure, and what your objectives are, our team will develop a personalized suite of IT services that will support your business and its goals. Call us today at (816) 381-9969 or email us using the contact form on our website.

July 25, 2023